5 Reasons Why You Don’t Connect To Your Sun Sign
Everyone who's into astrology loves to talk about their sun sign, but what if when you found out yours, it didn’t really sound like you? Maybe you’re wondering, why don’t I feel connected to my sun sign? I'm a professional astrologer and am here to help you understand what a sun sign is and why zodiac stereotypes are not the right way to use astrology! Here are 5 reasons why your sun sign may not fully resonate with you and what to do about it.
1. The Big Three in Astrology = Id, Ego, Superego
The first reason you may not connect to your sun sign is that it does not operate alone. There is also your rising sun and the moon sign, and together with your sun sign, they make up your “big three”. These are the three parts of your energetic personality and expression that are always operating through you.
As a therapeutic astrologer, I'd like to bring some psychology into the mix here to help you understand what are the big three in Astrology.
You've likely heard the concepts of id, ego and superego from Psychology. They represent parts of our consciousness that work together to understand ourselves and how we interact with others. Not one of these acts alone; they all act together to create who you are and how you process and live through the world.
You can use the same perspective in astrology; the rising sign is like the id, the sun sign is like the ego, and the superego is like the moon sign in your birth chart.
If you don't feel like you're resonating with just your sun sign, there's a chance that maybe your rising sign, which represents the id, or your moon sign, which represents the superego, is more in charge. Your energies may actually be expressing through one of the other more dominant energies in you at this time! It doesn’t mean you don’t express your sun sign energy. Simply put, it may be taking a break while the other signs take the wheel!
2. Every person expresses all 12 zodiac signs!
The second reason your sun sign may not feel like you is that you are all 12 signs. I always say this: you are not just your one sun sign, you are going to express all 12 zodiac energies at one time or another in one volume or another. We cannot separate that out, so maybe you're just in tune a lot more with a different part of your personality than your sun sign and that's totally fine.
Your birth chart has other planets that represent other parts of your personality. For example, your mars placement represents how you express your desire to accomplish things, to move your energy and the motivation behind your actions. Whatever requires this of you in your life, you can look at the zodiac sign your mars is in to find out how you will express yourself in that situation!
Additionally, you may have a cluster of planets in a completely different sign than your sun sign, or your big three. For example, my birth chart has 4 planets in Virgo! Even though I am a Leo Sun, Scorpio Rising and Aries moon, I tend to express my Virgo energy just as much as those other signs in my birth chart! Being able to understand and identify how each zodiac sign expresses itself will help you clue into what part of yourself you like expressing most.
3. Zodiac sign energies change throughout the year, and so do you.
The third reason you may not feel like your sun sign is the time of year. There will be times of year when the sun is transiting with your sun sign, which would be what we call your solar return. The solar return time is a time of aligned energy expression for people. However, half a year after your solar return, the sun is in opposition to your sun sign.
This will be the time of year you likely feel the most disconnected with your sun sign energy. A similar disconnect happens when the sun squares to your sun sign. Simply put, something just feels off and you may feel resistance in the air.
The time of year when it’s your sun sign season will be the time when you likely feel your sun sign energy the most, because the energies in the universe are aligned with that sun sign collectively. As you can see, the energy changes in waves throughout the year so there will be differences in the time of year and how you feel your sun sign energy being expressed.
4. You have a progressed sun sign!
Reason number 4 for why your sun sign energy doesn’t resonate is your progressions. Your progressed birth chart is something you receive every year on your birthday. This is a new chart with new energies and planet placements like a new progressed sun sign, progressed moon sign, progressed rising sign, etc.
The progressions explain your evolving identity in stages and phases throughout your life. If you don’t feel as connected to your sun sign, then perhaps you are leaning more into expressing your progressed sun sign at this time, which would make a lot of sense why your natal sun sign is not being expressed the most. If you want to find out what is my progressed sun sign, you can book a progressed birth chart reading with me and discover what’s in store for you at this point in life!
5. Your sun sign energy development had trauma.
The fifth reason why you may not be connecting with your sun sign energy is because of traumas and past experiences. The Astrology memes you see everywhere only rely on stereotypes, which is not the way to really understand the spectrum of energy expression each zodiac sign offers. Astrology is a complex lens and a way we can look at ourselves to see how balanced in our energetic expression we are at any point in time.
Growing up as a Leo girl, I did not fit the stereotype of a Leo sun sign. I was super shy, super anxious, and that's because my Leo energy was suppressed. Because of this trauma, and not being allowed to develop my fiery self, I was not able to develop those Leo qualities in my childhood years. I had to do a lot of inner healing work throughout my life to get to a place where I embody my Leo sun sign energy very well. This is why we do the healing work, and why astrology is a very therapeutic way to help yourself grow.
Book A Birth Chart Reading and Get Back Into Balance!
If you work with an astrologer like me, who has a background in therapy, we can get to the roots of why your energies are not being expressed as they are in your birth chart. With time and access to the birth chart, you can start to make more aligned choices and help yourself align more with your sun sign.
If you really love this holistic astrology perspective, check out the latest updates on the NOONLIT SAGE Blog. Let me know what you're curious to know more about your zodiac signs, how to use astrology and apply it to your daily life and your healing journey.
*This article has been written by Monica of NOONLIT SAGE. She has a Masters of Social Work, Masters of Child Development and Bachelors of Psychology. Once her passion for Astrology ignited in 2019, she began to host a monthly therapeutic Astrology Manifesting New Moon Circle in Phoenix, Arizona, and has done hundreds of birth chart readings. She continued her studies and completed an Astro-Herbalism Certification via the School of Evolutionary Herbalism to provide even more holistic wellness insights into those whom she meets on their healing journeys.