Eclipse Energy: Do’s and Don’ts
About twice a year, we experience what astrologers call “eclipse season”. This is a time when there is a combination of back to back eclipses - one lunar eclipse and one solar eclipse.
A lunar eclipse happens on the full moon and a solar eclipse happens on a new moon. It is a time when major shifts and transformations typically happen, but most may wonder what exactly is the best thing to do during eclipse season.
You’ve likely heard of doing rituals for new moons and full moons, but should the same apply to eclipses? Let’s explore why you may want to reconsider your typical rituals during these times of the year.
The Position of the Sun and Moon During an Eclipse
During an eclipse, either the sun or moon is in “shadow”. It can either be a full eclipse where the entire luminary is in shadow, or a partial eclipse, where it is partially covered in shadow. Regardless, the luminary is not able to operate in the same way as it usually does - not able to offer its light either in the day or the night. This obviously produces a spectacular sight, and most watch in awe, depending where on earth the eclipse may be most visible.
During a lunar eclipse, the moon is opposing the sun, and the earth is positioned right in the middle, blocking the light of the sun, and casts its shadow onto the moon.
During a solar eclipse, the moon orbits in between the sun and the earth, so that the moon is the one blocking the sun’s light from reaching the earth.
This, of course, lasts briefly, but it is a magical moment nonetheless.
What does an eclipse symbolize?
An eclipse serves as a cosmic symbol of our own shadows coming up to the surface to be seen. Just like how the sun or moon are blocked from shining brightly, we too collectively undergo a process where our emotional frequencies may lower during this time, and we tune into our own shadow traits and perhaps unhealthy patterns of mental or emotional behavior.
You can think of the eclipse as pulling up any old wounds that still need healing to the surface. It is a cosmic reminder that there is both dark and light in our energies, and to function at our best, we must integrate both, just as symbolically the sun and moon “become one” during an eclipse. The shadow becomes stronger and may be more overwhelming if this “shadow work” is avoided, so it is best to allow the expression of any pain or difficulty forward so it can be purged and energetically transmuted.
Is it ok to manifest during an eclipse?
Due to the rather dark nature of an eclipse (the light going out), it is not a good time to do manifesting rituals during an eclipse. Vibrationally, our frequencies as mentioned, are lowered, and if you follow the law of attraction, like attracts like.
During this time, any type of manifesting would stem from a place of lower energy, therefore the chances of your success in manifesting your dream life are not the same as with any other new moon. In general, you do not want to manifest during any full moon, so lunar eclipses are certainly not a time for any kind of manifesting as well.
During an eclipse, emotions tend to run the show which can lead to reactivity in seeking a solution to the difficult feelings. Whenever you are looking for an external “fix” to an internal issue, it is likely going to lead you walking in circles and repeating your patterns. This is especially why manifesting during an eclipse is not suggested. The urge to avoid the deeper healing work needs to be faced so that you can in fact allow the transformative energy of an eclipse into your life.
Things To Do During An Eclipse
There’s a lot you can do during an eclipse instead of a manifesting ritual. Let’s look at some of the ways you can tune into the energy of the universe and align with it.
Find a peaceful place, either at home or out in nature, to meditate and connect with yourself on a deeper level.
Become open to receiving any spiritual guidance that the universe, source, God, etc., wants to offer you about your current situations in life.
Try a breathwork practice, deep breathing for an extended amount of time, either 30 minutes to an hour, so you can move the energy in your body up and out.
Try a sensory practice, utilizing elements like essential oils, candlelight, sound of running water, grounding, etc., to connect more deeply to the elements and receive higher frequency healing.
Reflect on what is happening for you at this time in your life; write down some notes in an eclipse journal, which you can update each time an eclipse happens. It’s a wonderful way to see your progress, and makes notes on what’s changed in your life since the eclipse happened.
In general, eclipse season is a time to slow down, reflect and receive downloads from the universe. We tend to crave manifesting rituals because we want our lives to get better as soon as possible. When we surrender to the divine timing of the universe though, we allow that which we want to come into our lives sooner. The eclipses are a wonderful lesson for us to let go of our intense desire for control, and let magic back into our lives.
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*This article has been written by Monica of NOONLIT SAGE. She has a Masters of Social Work, Masters of Child Development and Bachelors of Psychology. Once her passion for Astrology ignited in 2019, she began to host a monthly therapeutic Astrology Manifesting New Moon Circle in Phoenix, Arizona, and has done hundreds of birth chart readings. She continued her studies and completed an Astro-Herbalism Certification via the School of Evolutionary Herbalism to provide even more holistic wellness insights into those whom she meets on their healing journeys.