Transit Check-in Natal Chart Reading

from $50.00

In this 1 HOUR Transit Chart Reading, we will focus on how the current astrology forecast is affecting your natal chart placements!
What you can expect from this chart reading:
- Specifics on what areas of your life are needing the most attention
- How to help yourself stay in alignment with your zodiac signs
- Current look at themes playing out in your life, as well as the next few months ahead
- Lunar return forecast
- Tips on how to realign yourself and your astrology planets
- Cognitive reprogramming techniques to help you shift your energy

Check-in Reading:

In this 1 HOUR Transit Chart Reading, we will focus on how the current astrology forecast is affecting your natal chart placements!
What you can expect from this chart reading:
- Specifics on what areas of your life are needing the most attention
- How to help yourself stay in alignment with your zodiac signs
- Current look at themes playing out in your life, as well as the next few months ahead
- Lunar return forecast
- Tips on how to realign yourself and your astrology planets
- Cognitive reprogramming techniques to help you shift your energy

In this 1 HOUR Transit Chart Reading, we will focus on how the current astrology forecast is affecting your natal chart placements!
What you can expect from this chart reading:
- Specifics on what areas of your life are needing the most attention
- How to help yourself stay in alignment with your zodiac signs
- Current look at themes playing out in your life, as well as the next few months ahead
- Lunar return forecast
- Tips on how to realign yourself and your astrology planets
- Cognitive reprogramming techniques to help you shift your energy

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