Your Astrocartography Map


The location you live in has a specific energy signature and path of growth based on your astrology birth chart.

In this 1 hour astrocartography reading, we will look at your astrocartography map and discus:
+ the astrological energy of the location of your birth
+ the astrological energy of the location of where you currently live
+ the astrological energy of the location(s) where you are considering relocating or visiting

Certain astrocartography lines may indicate potential ease or potential difficulty. Some areas may not have a direct or concrete energetic path or mission. If that is the case, we will look at the lines that are closest to the location inquiry.

*The number of locations that can be discussed during the reading will likely come out to 3-5. More than 5 potential locations will require an additional fee.

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The location you live in has a specific energy signature and path of growth based on your astrology birth chart.

In this 1 hour astrocartography reading, we will look at your astrocartography map and discus:
+ the astrological energy of the location of your birth
+ the astrological energy of the location of where you currently live
+ the astrological energy of the location(s) where you are considering relocating or visiting

Certain astrocartography lines may indicate potential ease or potential difficulty. Some areas may not have a direct or concrete energetic path or mission. If that is the case, we will look at the lines that are closest to the location inquiry.

*The number of locations that can be discussed during the reading will likely come out to 3-5. More than 5 potential locations will require an additional fee.

The location you live in has a specific energy signature and path of growth based on your astrology birth chart.

In this 1 hour astrocartography reading, we will look at your astrocartography map and discus:
+ the astrological energy of the location of your birth
+ the astrological energy of the location of where you currently live
+ the astrological energy of the location(s) where you are considering relocating or visiting

Certain astrocartography lines may indicate potential ease or potential difficulty. Some areas may not have a direct or concrete energetic path or mission. If that is the case, we will look at the lines that are closest to the location inquiry.

*The number of locations that can be discussed during the reading will likely come out to 3-5. More than 5 potential locations will require an additional fee.

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