Top 7 Saturn Return in Pisces Insights
Everyone's talking about it - Saturn is finally in Pisces, leaving Aquarius, starting a new era! Saturn will be in Pisces between March 7, 2023 to May 24, 2025 (0-29 degrees Pisces), as well as September 1, 2025 to Feb. 13, 2026 (25-29 degrees Pisces). If you have Saturn in Pisces, you may be a little worried about what might happen in the next couple of years in your life because people have talked about how hard everyone’s Saturn return can be, so…
What is a “Saturn Return” and what should you do about it?
Saturn is the planet of hard lessons, discipline, boundaries and restrictions. Each planet in your birth chart will cycle through the zodiac signs throughout your life until it reaches the point where it was when you were born again. This is what we generally call a “Return”.
Simply put, a Saturn Return is when your Saturn Placement in your birth chart gets activated like it did when you were born! The Saturn Return happens typically twice in your life, usually between 28-30, and again around 58-60.
Is a Saturn Return difficult?
First of all, Saturn and astrology do not make anything happen to you. No matter what the astrology transits are, YOU get to decide the fate of your life, and how you respond to the energetic weather. You are the creator of your reality! But when we're unconscious of our programmed patterns of behavior and thoughts, we then may go into the Saturn phase of our lives in a way where we're blindsided.
If this is the case, then yes, Saturn may need to wake us up in a more difficult way so we start to make some major changes - for the better. That’s also why you hear of people having such difficult Saturn returns, likely because they are not open to receiving help or to shifting directions in life, and they may be more resistant to the knowledge the divine wants to offer.
There’s something deep down that may literally be saying, “Hey, you should be taking a left! Don't take a right!” But when people insist on taking the right, that's when Saturn gets louder to let the alert be known that you're going the wrong way.
What does Saturn in Pisces placement mean?
If your Saturn is in Pisces, this is a great opportunity for you to really structure your dream life. During the Saturn in Pisces transit, everyone will start to really see some clarity around what is preventing you from achieving your dreams.
If you have Saturn in Pisces, you will likely find a bit of restriction in your ability to go with the flow, so watch out for where you may feel stuck or blocked. Some things may show themselves as what is preventing you from fully expanding into the dream reality you want to create.
This restriction of Saturn in your emotional connection to the universe, may potentially create some doubt and confusion around your ability to see the purpose in all of the events of your life in a loving way. Saturn in Pisces will ultimately help us learn that some things that happen to us that are difficult are there to help us grow and become more resilient.
Psychic attunement may start to get stronger during this transit especially for those with Saturn in Pisces in their natal charts. You may also come face to face with deeper fears you may have about transitions, death and what lies beyond our physical world so that you can deepen your faith in the universal forces around us.
How can Astrology help me?
So if you're working with an online astrologer class during this time to really understand your chart, you may start to see the path to your highest alignment, how all of the energies inside of you work together, and the limiting beliefs you have and why they're preventing you from that alignment you’re looking for.
You're going to do just fine during your Saturn Return, even if you don't work with me as an astrologer in Scottsdale. I just really hope you can be open to whatever the divine energy wants to tell you about what feels right and what feels wrong in your life at this time. You absolutely have an internal guidance system allowing you to navigate that time ahead in a very aligned way.
How long does a Saturn Return last?
Unlike what most think, the Saturn Return does not last a couple of years. Your Saturn Return is the moment in time when Saturn is in the exact same spot (degree) when you were born. So if you have a 3 degree Saturn in Pisces, you're about to experience that peak point of tension in early 2023. If you have your Saturn in Pisces at 25 degrees Pisces or later, for example, wow - you got a couple years to go before the Saturn energy peaks for you. There is no need to freak out just yet!
Even if you do have that moment of the peak tension and your Saturn Return point really soon, there’s still no need to freak out! The main lesson I learned during my Saturn Return in Capricorn was the fact that I had to let go of the tension, the controlling tendencies I had, and the overly serious way I was taking every little thing in my life.
Life happens for you so you can grow, even through the difficult moments. This is how we find deeper strength, faith and build resilience for whatever comes next. If you can lighten up and take the difficulties with a laugh and with a smile knowing that you're resilient, knowing that you can get through this astrological transit, it'll be alright!
Can a Saturn Return be good?
When I allowed the universe to step in and redirect my life path after my Saturn Return, I stopped trying to make it all about what can I do to forcefully create this life for myself, and I let the magic and synchronicities come into the mix.
My healing started to happen much faster when I understood what lessons Saturn Return in Capricorn had for me, and I got the answers I needed. I literally asked the universe, “I know healing is possible… How can I make it possible?” and I received an idea that changed my whole life.
Before my Saturn Return, I was always trying to figure my life out on my own, and by allowing the magic to happen, everything started shifting. I went on a completely different and BEAUTIFUL life path moving from Chicago to becoming an astrologer in Phoenix, AZ and the rest is history.
So don't be afraid and really embrace this amazing transformative time for yourself. So many amazing things are around the corner and waiting for you in life.
Saturn Return Astrology Reading
If you’re looking for step by step guidance during your Saturn Return, scheduling a birth chart reading can be the start of getting your life back on track. My one of a kind Master Your Birth Chart Program has helped others like you do the deep inner work so that this is one of the most transformative times in your life.
A lot of the time, people have difficulties understanding their limiting beliefs, and how to identify how they block your success in your life. During the sessions in these astrology classes, I will help you reframe the exact situations that are proving to be difficult for you during your Saturn Return.
I want to help you suffer through less heartache, confusion and stress. If you’re curious to see what NOONLIT SAGE clients have to say about their amazing astrology experiences, please view my testimonials page! Hope to chat with you soon!
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*This article has been written by Monica of NOONLIT SAGE. She has a Masters of Social Work, Masters of Child Development and Bachelors of Psychology. Once her passion for Astrology ignited in 2019, she began to host a monthly therapeutic Astrology Manifesting New Moon Circle in Phoenix, Arizona, and has done hundreds of birth chart readings. She continued her studies and completed an Astro-Herbalism Certification via the School of Evolutionary Herbalism to provide even more holistic wellness insights into those whom she meets on their healing journeys.