Birth Chart Compatibility Reading


In the 1.5 HR birth chart compatibility reading, we will cover you and another person’s:
+ Sun sign
+ Moon sign
+ Rising sign
+ AC/DC + MC/IC placements
+ Your overall “energetic signature” balance together (does it sync up or have some tensions?)
+ Mercury sign
+ Venus sign and Mars sign
+ Jupiter sign and Saturn sign
+ Pluto sign and Chiron sign
+ The most important aspects between your signs (squares, oppositions, trines + sextiles).

This is an advanced astrology reading. We will discuss the energy dynamics and imbalances of the two birth charts to discover tools to help you make more conscious decisions in your relationships. The goal with this reading is to help you see where you may be forcing connection or where mirroring may occur.

The birth chart compatibility reading also can illuminate areas where the two people may elevate each other and find high synastry in the combination of their energies.

In this reading, we will also discuss important times of the year when your energies may need more attention, or may experience more tension, such as this past Venus Retrograde in Leo when many relationships experienced some changes and healing.

Compatibility readings are advised to be done for those in more long-term relationships. This birth chart reading will not be able to predict whether a pair will be a long-term partnership or not. Astrology is not fated; you are the one in charge of deciding how your life and relationships will ultimately unfold, with factors such as doing inner work and becoming self-aware as means for building more successful relationships.

**Full natal chart introductory reading is required as a pre-requisite and must be done before doing this reading.


In the 1.5 HR birth chart compatibility reading, we will cover you and another person’s:
+ Sun sign
+ Moon sign
+ Rising sign
+ AC/DC + MC/IC placements
+ Your overall “energetic signature” balance together (does it sync up or have some tensions?)
+ Mercury sign
+ Venus sign and Mars sign
+ Jupiter sign and Saturn sign
+ Pluto sign and Chiron sign
+ The most important aspects between your signs (squares, oppositions, trines + sextiles).

This is an advanced astrology reading. We will discuss the energy dynamics and imbalances of the two birth charts to discover tools to help you make more conscious decisions in your relationships. The goal with this reading is to help you see where you may be forcing connection or where mirroring may occur.

The birth chart compatibility reading also can illuminate areas where the two people may elevate each other and find high synastry in the combination of their energies.

In this reading, we will also discuss important times of the year when your energies may need more attention, or may experience more tension, such as this past Venus Retrograde in Leo when many relationships experienced some changes and healing.

Compatibility readings are advised to be done for those in more long-term relationships. This birth chart reading will not be able to predict whether a pair will be a long-term partnership or not. Astrology is not fated; you are the one in charge of deciding how your life and relationships will ultimately unfold, with factors such as doing inner work and becoming self-aware as means for building more successful relationships.

**Full natal chart introductory reading is required as a pre-requisite and must be done before doing this reading.

In the 1.5 HR birth chart compatibility reading, we will cover you and another person’s:
+ Sun sign
+ Moon sign
+ Rising sign
+ AC/DC + MC/IC placements
+ Your overall “energetic signature” balance together (does it sync up or have some tensions?)
+ Mercury sign
+ Venus sign and Mars sign
+ Jupiter sign and Saturn sign
+ Pluto sign and Chiron sign
+ The most important aspects between your signs (squares, oppositions, trines + sextiles).

This is an advanced astrology reading. We will discuss the energy dynamics and imbalances of the two birth charts to discover tools to help you make more conscious decisions in your relationships. The goal with this reading is to help you see where you may be forcing connection or where mirroring may occur.

The birth chart compatibility reading also can illuminate areas where the two people may elevate each other and find high synastry in the combination of their energies.

In this reading, we will also discuss important times of the year when your energies may need more attention, or may experience more tension, such as this past Venus Retrograde in Leo when many relationships experienced some changes and healing.

Compatibility readings are advised to be done for those in more long-term relationships. This birth chart reading will not be able to predict whether a pair will be a long-term partnership or not. Astrology is not fated; you are the one in charge of deciding how your life and relationships will ultimately unfold, with factors such as doing inner work and becoming self-aware as means for building more successful relationships.

**Full natal chart introductory reading is required as a pre-requisite and must be done before doing this reading.


couple at beach thinking about relationship love match

When should I get a birth chart compatibility reading?

The best time to get a birth chart compatibility reading is when you are in a serious relationship or have a loved one that you would like to understand more. There are many times two birth charts that seem very compatible, but the people themselves have different values in life, or different visions for their futures, which leads to those people not being in a long-term relationship.

Astrology is an additional tool that can add a ton of value for how to understand your partner, their love language and even their energetic wounding. Committing to a relationship requires work and compromise, so an astrology reading is ultimately a tool to assist with bonding and increasing compassion, instead of a tool to see if someone is the “perfect match.”

Is it possible to have ideal birth chart compatibility?

Even though Astrology can provide a lot of amazing insight into the compatibility between two people, it is not possible to have an “ideal” birth chart compatibility. There are many factors outside of zodiac sign energies that can influence a relationship’s synastry. It truly comes down to the two people and how they communicate, what values they have and if they are willingly committed to growing together. The couples who are most mindful and aware of each other’s strengths and weakness, who can utilize the information and growth path in their birth charts, will likely have a clearer perspective on expectations in the relationship.

Is it possible to have karmic birth chart compatibility?

Labeling a relationship karmic is quite a delicate topic; when looking at two birth charts, there are certainly some aspects like a Saturn and Chiron conjunction or Chiron and South Node conjunction, that could potentially pose more difficulty within that area of the relationship. Even so, it is not necessarily an immediate cause for alarm.

With awareness of these aspects, two people may interact and behave or respond a lot more differently because they are aware of the triggers and purpose of growth and/or healing. Tense relationships can serve a beneficial purpose that helps each person evolve into their higher selves, however it’s also important to be able to distinguish a relationship that is positive with some challenging aspects vs. a completely draining and unhealthy dynamic. Working with a therapeutic astrologer can help two people understand the deeper lessons and get closer towards healing.

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